Sunday 13 November 2011

Sas People

This was posted today by Squatchmaster.Unfortunately it's a picture taken of his computer monitor,but he's trying to convert the picture so we can get a clearer view of it.
Squatchmaster thinks that it may be a juvenile Sasquatch.Definite shapes and features can be distinguished but the photo is blurry in it's current form.
It's an interesting find.

Let's wait to see if Jeff can get a clearer picture for us.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Hillary Clinton knew of Qaddafi ‘White Flag’ truce:

Hillary Clinton knew of Qaddafi ‘White Flag’ truce:
US drone fired at Qaddafi convoy after negotiated truce
Washington, DC
Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi was traveling under a negotiated “White Flag” truce last Thursday in an agreement to leave Libya. More claims from sources inside Misrata, Libya that the Libyan National Transitional Council did in fact agree to allow Qaddafi and his convoy safe passage out of Libya.
Another tour of a Country the US demonizes. They don’t live in the Dark ages either. Source

The Libya American’s never saw on Television

You know I have to wonder if Americans know anything about Libya at all.  There are many from other countries that don’t seem to know much about it either, I am afraid.
Comments on different news sites tell me how mislead many are.  One of the most predominant comments is now Libya will come out of the Dark Ages.
Well I am not sure what dark ages they are talking about as Libya was quite advanced.
NATO has blown them back to the dark ages,
So take a tour of Libya with me and see how things were before US/NATO intervention and tell me if they lived in the Dark Ages.
Videos of how Libya was before the invasion are below.  Definitely they did not live in the dark ages.
Before we start the tour there are a few things you need to know however.  (Under the horrible Dictatorship of Gadhafi – Before NATO destroyed the Libya he had built up. ed)
1. There was no electricity bill in Libya; electricity was free for all its citizens.
2. There was no interest on loans,  banks in Libya were state-owned and loans were given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.
3. Having a home was considered a human right in Libya.
4. All newlyweds in Libya received $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.
5. Education and medical treatments were free in Libya.  Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate.  Today, the figure is 83 percent.
6. Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms -  all for free.
7. If Libyans could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the government funded them to go abroad, for it was not only paid for, but they got a U.S.$2,300/month for accommodation and car allowance.
8. If a Libyan bought a car, the government subsidized 50 percent of the price.
9. The price of petrol in Libya was $0.14 per liter.
10. Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounting to $150 billion are now frozen globally.
11. If a Libyan was unable to get employment after graduation, the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she were employed, until employment is found.
12. A portion of every Libyan oil sale was credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.
13. A mother who gave birth to a child received U.S.$5,000.
14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya cost $0.15.
15. 25 percent of Libyans have a university degree.
16. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.
17 Women’s Rights: Under Gaddafi, gender discrimination was officially banned and the literacy rate for women climbed to 83 per cent.  The rights of Black’s were also improved.
To add to problems now facing those in Libya are the tons of DU dropped on them by US/NATO forces.
There was no DU before to make people sick, so now there will be numerous health problems never before seen in Libya.
1. Libya is Africa’s largest exporter of oil, 1.7 million tons a day,
which quickly was reduced to 300-400,000 ton due to US-NATO bombing.
Libya exports 80% of its oil: 80% of that to several EU lands  (32% Italy,  14% Germany,  10% France); 10% China;  5% USA.
2. Gaddafi had been preparing to launch a gold dinar for oil trade with all of Africa’s 200 million people and other countries interested.
French President Nickola Sarkozi called this, “a threat for financial security of mankind”.
Much of France’s wealth—more than any other colonial-imperialist power—comes from exploiting Africa.
3. Central Bank of Libya was 100% owned by state (since 1956) and is thus outside of multinational corporation control (BIS-Banking International Settlement rules for private interests).  
The state can finance its own projects and do so without interest rates
4. Gaddafi-Central Bank used $33 billion, without interest rates, to build the Great Man-Made River of 3,750 kilometers with three parallel pipelines running oil, gas and water, supplying 70% of the people (4.5 of its 6 million) with clean drinking and irrigation water.
5. The Central Bank also financed Africa’s first communication satellite with $300 million of the $377 cost.  It started up for all Africa, December 26, 2007, thus saving the 45-African nations an annual fee of $500 million pocketed by Europe for use of its satellites and this means much less cost for telephones and other communication systems.
Some of the numbers above vary a bit from web site to web site but all are relatively close.
Great Man made River Project Libya  Absolutely Amazing
The Great Man-Made River is a network of pipes that supplies water from the Sahara Desert in Libya, from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer.  Some sources cite it as the largest engineering project ever undertaken.
The Guinness World Records 2008 book has acknowledged this as the world’s largest irrigation project.
According to its website, it is the largest underground network of pipes and aqueducts in the world.  It consists of more than 1300 wells, most more than 500 m deep, and supplies 6,500,000 m³ of freshwater per day to the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirt and elsewhere.  Muammar al-Gaddafi has described it as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.

Great Man Made River Project Libya
Libya – Great Man Made River Project
Libya Telecom and Technology (LTT)
Libyan Farm–This is about half an hour driving from Tripoli,
Libya Footage
Libya footage II
Libya footage II.V
Libya Footage III
Photos around Tripoli, Libya
1. “Severan Arch, Leptis Magna”
2. “All roads lead to …”
3. “Detail of Severan Arch, Leptis Magna”
4. “Oration, Leptis Magna”
5. “Arches, Leptis Magna”
6. “Carved marble Leptis Magna”
7. “Detail on marble column, Leptis Magna”
8. “Doorways, Leptis Magna”
9. “Forest of columns Leptis Magna”
10. “Front terrace Villa Silin”
11. “Gargoyles on arches, Leptis Magna”
12. “Granite columns Leptis Magna”
13. “Leptis Magna”
14. “Majestic columns, Leptis Magna”
15. “Grave, Leptis Magna”
16. “Check the surf, Villa Silin”
17. “Market Leptis Magna”
18. “Market place Leptis Magna”
19. “Modern meets ancient”
20. “Tumbling into the ocean, Leptis Magna”
21. “Statues”
22. “The Latrines”
23. “View to the ocean Leptis Magna”
24. “Gum tree, Leptis Magna”
Photos from Libya
The Green Mountain of Libya
Libya as you never seen it
Libya Tourist Attractions
Libya’s beautiful beaches
Tripoli, Libya
Visit to Tripoli/Libya  A walk about.
Libya 2009
Pro Gaddafi Rally in Benghaziin May 2011
Massive Anti-NATO-Rebel Demonstrations in Tripoli, July 1, 2011 1.5 million people were at this rally.
Translation of Gaddafi speech today, translation by Karim Budabuss:
The leader is talking now. He is saying that this is a historical day, and he is challenging Sarkozy, Cameron and Obama to switch on their TVs and watch the crowds and he is saying that they will find out that they are delusional because they entered a war which they never win, he also says if you continue targeting our houses we can do the same coz Europe is not far away but he said lets not do this and watch the crowds , kids and women.
They are not here because I ordered them to, it is they are free will. in this war you are not facing me, you are facing these crowds.  I am nothing, if you want peace with Libyans, it is up to the crowds.
If you want any thing , negotiate with the crowds.  The regime is not Gaddafi regime, it is a Libyan regime .  Even if many got scared, defected and escaped, the Libyans will remain, and each coward will be replaced with a hero.
Is it a democracy to bomb the civilians, we don’t want a democracy which comes with bombs.  The socialist Jamahyria will win, the real democracy which serves the people.  I advice you to stop bombing, and stop becoming mercenaries for some rebels.
The Libyans said their words, they marched, their tribes made it clear that the future is for Libyans, the oil is for Libya, Libya is ours.  You are delusional, a group of traitors convinced you that Libya is easy to get, you hired mercenaries , propaganda, psychological war all that didn’t allow you to make any progress on the ground.
Turn on your TVs and watch the longest Libyan flag 4.5 km, I didn’t make this flag, people donated to make this flag.  Those rebels are no different from who betrayed Libyan during the Italian invasion.
Libyan people go in millions without weapons to liberate the regions under rebel control.  You Libyan people are the only one who can finish this war with a victory.  If they want to negotiate we welcome that, otherwise we are continuing and they are definitely losing no matter how many weapons they drop with parachute to the rebels.
We will not betray our history nor our children and their future.  The glory is for you brave Libyans, the struggle will continue. (end of speech)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Stop the Crimes of Your Government

Raising the Resistance!

STOP Stop and Frisk
Above, Debra Sweet with Dr. Cornel West, Carl Dix, and NYC ministers moments before being arrested while carrying out civil disobedience against the racist NYPD "Stop and Frisk" policy.

If you want to see more of this become a sustainer and keep resistance to the crimes of this government in the streets! When you join as a a monthly financial sustainer, you make our collective acts of conscience possible. No matter where you are OR your ability to physically join us, you can still make difference by contributing.

Or make a one time donation to help produce materials like
these stickers and this shirt to get out at the "Occupied Territories" across the country.

Together, we can stand with the 99% of the world. Together, we can stop the crimes of this government!


When Obama rips off the rhetoric of this resistance movement (case in point: his recent speech and Twitter campaign #wecantwait), World Can't Wait receives no royalties or consultant fees.

Which is fine by us; since the essential point is that not that we can't wait but that the rest of the world has waited too long for people living in the U.S. to act to stop the crimes of this government.

However, that does mean that YOUR support is needed to fund this movement!

Despite the Obama administration’s announcement Friday that U.S. combat troops are finally leaving Iraq — giving rise to the popular perception that “Iraq war is over”–  I ask those who are celebrating to consider: where is the joy coming from?

It’s been ten years now since Donald Rumsfeld’s brain went “9/11 = attack Iraq,” apparently minutes after the WTC was hit by airliners.  From that moment, when the world’s largest military machine began planning it, through today, after over a million Iraqi deaths, this war and occupation has never been legitimate, just or moral!

Tens of millions of us who care about humanity protested to prevent the Bush regime from getting the coalition it sought to attack Iraq; much of the world was convinced the U.S. was not invading to “save” Iraqis but to advance its own imperial agenda.  Our actions did contribute to this loss of legitimacy as the United States military ran into deep geopolitical difficulties in the region (remember, Bush and Cheney planned to sweep through Iraq as a gateway to dominating the rest of the region, including Iran, a strategy that has, shall we say, not gone well.)

The Nobel Peace President, who promised an end to war on Iraq, isn’t exactly blazing a peace trail.  The Bush Regime set this time frame of “withdrawal” in 2011.

In fact the Obama administration, through the State Department, pursued very hard the plan to keep U.S. fighting forces in Iraq beyond this year.  It was the Maliki government, which in general has been very compliant to its U.S. funders, who balked at allowing U.S. military to stay because the terms demanded by Obama included immunity from local prosecution for the troops.

Think of that: The widest sustained, imperialist government sponsored, mass war crime, destroying a whole country, displacing 4.5 million from their homes, the turning of a secular society into a bloody sectarian battlefield, was to be justified and continued only on the basis of immunity from the victimized country!

Monday 24 October 2011

       Saturday, 22 October 2011 13:44   FOR ALL WHO STAND IN THE WAY OF THE WAR CRIMINALS
Toe the line or be the next victim of the colonial plunder and rape!     By Matthias Chang  22nd October 2011, Future Fastforward  Gaddafi died a martyr, murdered by the war criminals of US, France, Britain and NATO lead by President Obama, President Sarkozy and Prime Minister Cameron. Although NATO spearheaded the military campaign against Libya, the strategic planning was prepared by US Africa Command (AFRICOM).  AFRICOM was set up to further the US interest in Africa, more precisely the Global Military-Industrial-Financial Complex’s interests in securing and plundering the resources of Africa. Behind AFRICOM’s curtain are the hidden hands of Zionist Israel.  The first victim of this agenda is Libya  When the UN Security Council sanctioned the attack on Libya under the guise of imposing a No-Fly zone to protect the alleged killing of civilians by Gaddafi who was fighting an armed rebellion supported and financed by the abovementioned war criminals, Russia and China could have vetoed the resolution and thwart the destruction and plunder of Libya.  But these two permanent members of the Security Council caved in and abstained. China has a major presence in Libya and her intelligence services would have known whether Gaddafi enjoyed wide  popular support from his people. The Libyan government was stable and successful in implementing development projects for the benefit of the people. It was the most developed country in the entire African continent and Gaddafi’s efforts were duly recognised by the UN weeks before the barbaric aerial bombardment of Libya.  China invested US$ billions in Libya.  Yet, without a whimper of resistance at the highest diplomatic level, she evacuated 30,000 Chinese workers from Libya and left in a hurry. China and Russia knew in advance that there would be an undeclared war against Libya.  Everything was up for grabs!  Even after the full invasion and wanton destruction of Libya, China and Russia made perfunctory and lame criticisms of NATO’s criminal actions.  Surely, it cannot be said that Russia and China were misled by the war criminals that they had no intentions to destroy Libya and oust Gaddafi and to seize the oil resources. They must have known that war preparations were in place long before the matter came before the UN Security Council. That was their excuse in not vetoing the UN Security Council resolution authorising NATO’s military action. A load of rubbish.  So why did China and Russia cave in? This is the US$ trillion question. It reminds me of the story of a man who owed a debt of gratitude to two rival gangs. The man was asked by the more notorious gang to assassinate the leader of the other gang but the attempt failed. When confronted by the victim as to the reasons to be the hired killer, the man replied that he owed a greater debt of gratitude to the other gang leader. Libya under Gaddafi welcomed China with open arms, but China turned a blind eye to the destruction of Libya because she owed a greater debt of gratitude to Zionist Israel and the global financial elites for past favours, as well as narrow self-interests. China had too much toilet paper money (US Federal Reserve notes) and the sale of Libyan oil in the intended gold dinar by Gaddafi would literally destroy the US dollar. This cannot be allowed! Period!  The same can be said of Sarkozy and Tony Blair and his copycat Cameron. They all turned their backs on Gaddafi for the same reasons.  It must be said that the leading members of the African Union were courageous enough to make a stand against the invasion and wanton destruction and did not extend “recognition” to NATO’s quisling regime until forced by circumstances to do so. Members of the Arab League and the OIC were cowards and opportunists and they pride themselves as righteous Muslims. But Qatar must be singled out for special condemnation. Can anyone still believe that Al-Jazeera is the voice of the Arab / Muslim communities? Until exposed as the barking dog of NATO, Al- Jazeera was the major “Arab” propaganda tool to demonise Gaddafi and to misrepresent the actual situation in Libya – an armed rebellion financed by war criminals. Al-Qaeda played a leading role in the armed rebellion.  Iran, Syria and Lebanon should learn from this experience and the mistakes of Gaddafi. They are the next targets of the Zionists / Neo-Conservatives global agenda. If they entertain any thoughts of making compromises with these war criminals, by abandoning their right of self-defence and to be armed with every conceivable weapon, including nuclear weapons, they will end up like Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. In defending their country, all options should be on the table in like manner as the war criminals have declared in their war agenda against them. They will collapse one by one like dominoes if they strategise otherwise!  To the leaders of countries under immediate threat as well as those on the fringes, your previous strategy of inviting China and Russia to invest on preferential basis and to purchase massive amount of arms to counter-balance the threat of the Zionist Anglo-American Axis will no longer be effective because US$ billions worth of investments and military purchase count for nothing when US$ trillions worth of foreign reserves are at stake. The investing countries will run for cover for short-term preservation and will not be willing to commit their resources for a military conflict unless and until they themselves are under a direct threat. This is a given.  To the leaders of China and Russia – this is your wake up call. Stop strutting like a peacock just because you have abundant dollar reserves. The Federal Reserve Notes are all toilet papers and will not be bargaining chips when the deal placed on the table is - surrender or war.  There is still time yet to mount a Global Counter-Alliance against this fascist triad of Israel / US / UK war criminals.  As for Iran and Turkey, stop aspiring to be regional powers, as you cannot hope to achieve this grand vision so long as Zionist Israel continues to wag the US dog. Be realistic. Without nuclear weapons as a deterrent, and revolutionary social forces on your side, global public opinion cannot be mobilised to first isolate and then annihilate your enemies. Turkey cannot take comfort that as a member of NATO it will be immune to the machinations of the war criminals.  The countdown has started  The new normal and preferred mode of regime change is to use the pretext of Humanitarian Intervention as a cover for outright military intervention.  In the African continent, it will be U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) as the Planner and NATO as the military Bully.  In the next escalation in the Middle East and South Asia wars (i.e. the overspill from Afghanistan to Pakistan), U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) will be the Planner and the combined might of NATO, Israel and Arab Lackeys will provide the military manpower.  In South-East Asia and the Pacific, U.S Pacific Command (USPACOM) will lead and coordinate all military campaigns.  In South America, the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) will plan and lead, with narco states providing the ground troops.  In all of the above war scenarios, mercenaries and special forces will be in the forefront in fomenting sectarian wars and religious armed conflicts.  2012 will usher in The World War of the 21st Century – the perverse solution of the war criminals in their futile attempt to overcome the final phase of the Global Financial Tsunami!   Last Updated on Saturday, 22 October 2011 13:59   

Thursday 20 October 2011

Can't figure it out

I've been trying to figure out how to get that little picture to show on a tab when I go to my blog.All I get is the blogger icon.
I know it can be done because I see them on tabs of other bloggers.I thought it was the favicon,but nothing changes.
I'm so not tech savvy.
Still can't figure out ads either.HTML confuses the crap out of me.
Such is life...

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Cyclops Shark Appears to Be Legit

Analysis by Jennifer Viegas
Cyclops original
(Image: Pisces Sportfishing)
The 'Cyclops shark' that went viral on the net a few months ago appears to be a legitimate one-eyed dusky shark fetus, according to LiveScience and numerous other media reports.
When photos of the shark first surfaced in the Pisces Fleet Sportfishing blog, at Facebook, and at other high traffic spots, many people thought the images were too bizarre to depict anything legitimate. The cute little bug-eyed individual looks more like a happy cartoon character than a real shark, especially when its mouth is held open.
BLOG: Surfer Stands on Great White Shark Instead of Board
But National Geographic shares that two scientists from the Interdisciplinary Center of Marine Sciences in La Paz, Mexico, have studied the specimen and have determined it's a 22-inch-long dusky shark fetus with a single, functioning eye that's front and center on its head.
The fetus was discovered after fisherman Enrique Lucero León "legally caught" a pregnant dusky shark near Cerralvo Island in the Gulf of California.
Biologist Felipe Galván-Magaña of the center in La Paz told National Geographic that when León sliced open his catch, he found the odd-looking male embryo along with nine normal siblings. "He said, That's incredible -- wow," according to Galván-Magaña.
Galván-Magaña and colleague Marcela Bejarano-Álvarez are ready to release a paper documenting their research. I haven't seen it yet, but apparently the scientists X-rayed the fetus and reviewed previous studies on cyclopia. If you click on that last hyperlink, you'll see images of a human baby with the disorder, characterized by one eye and often other facial problems.
THE DISCOVERNATOR: Amazing Facts Served Up Hot
Puppies and kittens born with cyclopia usually die after just a day or so. The fate of the Cyclops shark was also probably sealed, even before León caught its mother.
Jim Gelsleichter, a shark biologist at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, said that no sharks with cyclopia have been caught outside of the womb, indicating that if such sharks do enter the world, their time here is extremely short.
Most sharks receive very little mothering and have to fend for themselves from day 1. This little one-eyed individual, once born, likely could not have fended for itself in the wild.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Bigfoot Buster Blog exposed and a hoaxer too

People have to learn, when they pick a fight even a small one, with garbage, that they open themselves up to scrutiny.
People whom don’t know me, know I am a pit bull on crack when it comes to getting to the bottom of things.
So I set my “minions” upon a mission and came up with the truth about the Bigfoot Buster Blog.
This blog was originally deleted by its previous owner and was involved in one of the many disputes we’ve come to know in the Bigfoot community.
Yesterday after being shown a post in the blog, my past was brought up and things were said I don’t really remember saying. I realize why now…yep it was fed to the new blog owner by Tom Biscardi. That’s right. Tom Biscardi. But fear not, it was not Biscardi behind the blog itself. But a Biscardi sentiment may explain the disdain for Alex Hearn.
You see, lets look at the blog itself, as there is a small Google Search Box in the upper right hand corner.
This search back, relates back to a Google Ad Sense account seen here in line 1537 of the source code of the page.
We take that number and place in an internet resource I now use and it shows for free the first five websites this Ad Sense account number is used for.
What it comes back to is the following sites:
So my dear readers, the man whom hoaxed a site, claiming to be someone else and even attacking himself and Biscardi to throw off blame or suspicion off, the site is being run by none other than Tim Fasano himself.
Boy can that ass use a hat.
This revelation puts this man’s credo in the dumper along with his new mentor Biscardi. As he turns and hoaxes a site, for personal revenge against what he perceives as enemies.
So needless to say the open invitation to the Bigfoot Buster is off. Fasano, you’ve already heard my facts…FACTS..about whom you now stand up and defend. (Biscardi), and now have acted as an agent for Biscardi, through creating a hoaxed site, and trying to discredit those whom oppose your new mentor.
See Fasano, you talk about the games and “Asshats,” trying to stir stuff up in the community, but you cannot even man up and do it yourself.  You have to hoax being someone else.
You also talked so excitedly about “Finding Bigfoot” coming, until they shut you out. No you can’t stop the diatribe. Not only are you a hoaxer, but a hypocrite, whom will run to anyone whom will flash you money and put you on TV, whilst speaking ill of them out of the other side of your mouth.
Want proof?
April 3rd, 2011 -
May 8th, 2011 -
Good call on believing Dyer on that one, but it was only a week later Tim, when Biscardi bought you breakfast and paid you for your services. Integrity? I think not. Not after what you just said.
So, be with your hoaxer friends out in California. You’ve just set the bar for your credibility and your manhood.
For this he will also earn himself a slot in the Squatchdetective Hall of Shame next week after the weeks festivities have concluded.
Till Next Time

Posted via: Squatchdetective

Saturday 15 October 2011

danman1167 Kansas Bigfoot Sighting-Breakdown 2:Why did Sasquatch compromise himself?

This is a second breakdown of danman1167's video.This time I tried to do a more in depth breakdown because a few things were bothering me.It seemed like something was missing.
I've messaged a few people who have more knowledge than I do on Bigfoot.I respect their opinions so I dug deeper.
The main concern was why did the Bigfoot let itself be seen? Why did it just walk out in to an open path?
I may have found the answer to those questions.
Is this a juvenile Bigfoot being scooped up by the large one?
Did Bigfoot compromise his position to save a child or sibling?
You can decide for yourself.Most of the frames are blobsquatchy due to enlargement but definite shapes can be made out.

danman1167's Kansas Bigfoot Sighting

I was doing a search on YouTube for newly posted footage of Bigfoot when I came across this one.
I have watched this video countless times and scrutinized every frame.In my opinion,this is the real thing.
There is no definitive proof but this creature has all the characteristics of a Sasquatch which include:
 -long arms
-coned head
-sloped back
-gray hand

In one frame muscle definition can be seen of the deltoid muscle.Another frame shows the profile of the massive deltoid and large fore arm.
These of course are my personal views and I encourage viewers to make up their own minds.

LegoCloneBoy321's Bigfoot Sighting

This is a breakdown I did of LegoCloneBoy321's video.The stills are too fuzzy to make out what the creature is.It's bipedal and not a bear.It appears to large to be a man in a suit,and the creature appears,to me at least,to be carrying something.Could it be an offspring?

Watch the breakdown and make your own decision.