Tuesday 18 October 2011

Bigfoot Buster Blog exposed and a hoaxer too

People have to learn, when they pick a fight even a small one, with garbage, that they open themselves up to scrutiny.
People whom don’t know me, know I am a pit bull on crack when it comes to getting to the bottom of things.
So I set my “minions” upon a mission and came up with the truth about the Bigfoot Buster Blog.
This blog was originally deleted by its previous owner and was involved in one of the many disputes we’ve come to know in the Bigfoot community.
Yesterday after being shown a post in the blog, my past was brought up and things were said I don’t really remember saying. I realize why now…yep it was fed to the new blog owner by Tom Biscardi. That’s right. Tom Biscardi. But fear not, it was not Biscardi behind the blog itself. But a Biscardi sentiment may explain the disdain for Alex Hearn.
You see, lets look at the blog itself, as there is a small Google Search Box in the upper right hand corner.
This search back, relates back to a Google Ad Sense account seen here in line 1537 of the source code of the page.
We take that number and place in an internet resource I now use and it shows for free the first five websites this Ad Sense account number is used for.
What it comes back to is the following sites:
  1. www.timfasano.typepad.com
  2. timfasano.typepad.com
  3. cryptoflorida.com
  4. www.tampataxishots.com
  5. tampataxishots.com
So my dear readers, the man whom hoaxed a site, claiming to be someone else and even attacking himself and Biscardi to throw off blame or suspicion off, the site is being run by none other than Tim Fasano himself.
Boy can that ass use a hat.
This revelation puts this man’s credo in the dumper along with his new mentor Biscardi. As he turns and hoaxes a site, for personal revenge against what he perceives as enemies.
So needless to say the open invitation to the Bigfoot Buster is off. Fasano, you’ve already heard my facts…FACTS..about whom you now stand up and defend. (Biscardi), and now have acted as an agent for Biscardi, through creating a hoaxed site, and trying to discredit those whom oppose your new mentor.
See Fasano, you talk about the games and “Asshats,” trying to stir stuff up in the community, but you cannot even man up and do it yourself.  You have to hoax being someone else.
You also talked so excitedly about “Finding Bigfoot” coming, until they shut you out. No you can’t stop the diatribe. Not only are you a hoaxer, but a hypocrite, whom will run to anyone whom will flash you money and put you on TV, whilst speaking ill of them out of the other side of your mouth.
Want proof?
April 3rd, 2011 -
May 8th, 2011 -
Good call on believing Dyer on that one, but it was only a week later Tim, when Biscardi bought you breakfast and paid you for your services. Integrity? I think not. Not after what you just said.
So, be with your hoaxer friends out in California. You’ve just set the bar for your credibility and your manhood.
For this he will also earn himself a slot in the Squatchdetective Hall of Shame next week after the weeks festivities have concluded.
Till Next Time

Posted via: Squatchdetective

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