Tuesday 25 October 2011

Stop the Crimes of Your Government

Raising the Resistance!

STOP Stop and Frisk
Above, Debra Sweet with Dr. Cornel West, Carl Dix, and NYC ministers moments before being arrested while carrying out civil disobedience against the racist NYPD "Stop and Frisk" policy.

If you want to see more of this become a sustainer and keep resistance to the crimes of this government in the streets! When you join as a a monthly financial sustainer, you make our collective acts of conscience possible. No matter where you are OR your ability to physically join us, you can still make difference by contributing.

Or make a one time donation to help produce materials like
these stickers and this shirt to get out at the "Occupied Territories" across the country.

Together, we can stand with the 99% of the world. Together, we can stop the crimes of this government!


When Obama rips off the rhetoric of this resistance movement (case in point: his recent speech and Twitter campaign #wecantwait), World Can't Wait receives no royalties or consultant fees.

Which is fine by us; since the essential point is that not that we can't wait but that the rest of the world has waited too long for people living in the U.S. to act to stop the crimes of this government.

However, that does mean that YOUR support is needed to fund this movement!

Despite the Obama administration’s announcement Friday that U.S. combat troops are finally leaving Iraq — giving rise to the popular perception that “Iraq war is over”–  I ask those who are celebrating to consider: where is the joy coming from?

It’s been ten years now since Donald Rumsfeld’s brain went “9/11 = attack Iraq,” apparently minutes after the WTC was hit by airliners.  From that moment, when the world’s largest military machine began planning it, through today, after over a million Iraqi deaths, this war and occupation has never been legitimate, just or moral!

Tens of millions of us who care about humanity protested to prevent the Bush regime from getting the coalition it sought to attack Iraq; much of the world was convinced the U.S. was not invading to “save” Iraqis but to advance its own imperial agenda.  Our actions did contribute to this loss of legitimacy as the United States military ran into deep geopolitical difficulties in the region (remember, Bush and Cheney planned to sweep through Iraq as a gateway to dominating the rest of the region, including Iran, a strategy that has, shall we say, not gone well.)

The Nobel Peace President, who promised an end to war on Iraq, isn’t exactly blazing a peace trail.  The Bush Regime set this time frame of “withdrawal” in 2011.

In fact the Obama administration, through the State Department, pursued very hard the plan to keep U.S. fighting forces in Iraq beyond this year.  It was the Maliki government, which in general has been very compliant to its U.S. funders, who balked at allowing U.S. military to stay because the terms demanded by Obama included immunity from local prosecution for the troops.

Think of that: The widest sustained, imperialist government sponsored, mass war crime, destroying a whole country, displacing 4.5 million from their homes, the turning of a secular society into a bloody sectarian battlefield, was to be justified and continued only on the basis of immunity from the victimized country!

1 comment:

Sharon Day said...

Very nice. I thought I was the only one who referred to it as the Bush Regime.